Monday, July 28, 2014

July 28th, 2014: Alex's Baptism!!!

This week I am so happy to say that our dear friend Ali Kaviyani (Alex), was baptised and confirmed as a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The baptism may have started 30 minutes late and Alex may have just barely made it to church on time the next Sunday morning to be confirmed, but all is well. Alex is the perfect example of someone who the Lord has been preparing to receive the message of the Gospel. I'll never forget how after he was brought out of the waters of baptism, that he paused and took a silent moment to feel the Spirit and just say "Thank you."
I know, just as Alex and many others have come to know, that Christ lives and
desires each of us to follow in His footsteps. He has paved the way and set the perfect example for us to become more like Him and our Father in Heaven.
It has been such a joy and a pleasure to teach someone so prepared for the Gospel and I am looking forward to continue finding God's elect, and bring more sheep into the loving arms of the Good Shepherd.
I hope all is well with each one of you. You are in my prayers. Thank you for your love and encouragement. I learn so much from all of your words and examples.  
Congratulations to my dear sister Michelle and her husband Patrick on their new beautiful baby girl Arya! I love being an auntie!
Keep the faith!
Sister Lydiksen

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